Can Schizophrenia Be Cured? A Scientific Look
Schizophrenia is a difficult diagnosis for the person who has it and their loved ones. Unfortunately, the answer to whether or not science can cure schizophrenia is no. With that, a lot of schizophrenia treatment facilities and schizophrenia facilities can help. There are antipsychotic drugs, lifestyle changes, and many other options available to someone with this mental illness. What Is Schizophrenia? This long-term mental health condition impacts how you think, focus and interact with other people. The mental disorder affects how you manage your emotions and can require frequent medical care. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), a person with schizophrenia may experience periods of distorted reality, hallucinations, and delusions. People with schizophrenia may have an altered sense of reality and psychotic episodes. At one point, five subtypes of the condition existed, and those aren’t part of diagnosing schizophrenia now because there are so many overlaps. ...